The return of this NBA season is a joke. I had thought nobody of media prominence shared my opinion until yesterday. One of my least liked sports commentators, Stephen A. Smith, said Kevin Durant would be making a mistake if he were to comeback when game play resumes because this season will always be marked […]
The best shoes that I’ve ever owned are my pair of LeBron x John Elliott in black. Why? It still looks new after six months. My last pair of shoes, Air Jordan 1 Retro in black leather, already had signs of wear by this mark and looked jacked up for about the last two years […]
Basketball has been my favorite sport since childhood. Growing up in a racially diverse area by American standards, it was adorned by those black and often shunned by those white in favor of baseball. Although many of my younger years were spent playing in little league, I loathed it. Baseball just wasn’t engaging, but my […]