Posts from July 2021

Minimum Basic Care

While the Communist Party of Vietnam boasts about the breadth and commitment of its frontline medical workforce and effective triage and treatment strategies, among other things, videos are being shared on chat apps, such as Zalo, WeChat and Messenger, of inhumane conditions from inside of Vietnam’s critical care facilities for COVID-19 patients. For example, in […]

Position on COVID Vaxx

I’ve been against you, your mother and me getting the COVID-19 vaccination ever since talk of it began. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I just don’t blindly trust big business. Every employer or client of mine has always made decisions that were in its best interest. That’s okay. They owe it to their shareholders. But knowing […]

From May

Life has sucked in Sài Gòn since May. Yet another outbreak of COVID-19 was first reported in late-April, April 27th — I think, in Vietnam and has not begun to abate. It’s already mid-July. The Communist Party of Vietnam immediately started to shut down businesses starting with those in Hà Nội. In Sài Gòn: All […]