Posts about Lockdown

Day 10

I don’t like Snickers but I should have bought more. We bought four months’ worth of food and other stuff in the three days leading up to home imprisonment, August 23rd. Among what we normally buy are items that were bought with starvation in mind. Whereas your mother ensured that we had an adequate amount […]

Day 1

Vietnam’s version of China’s Wuhan-style lockdown has begun. The Communist Party of Vietnam has brought Sài Gòn, a once bustling Southeast Asian metropolis, to a halt. Everything, now including food and convenience stores, pharmacies and delivery services, have been closed and everyone has been ordered to stay at home. Outside of China, I don’t know […]

Food Isn’t Necessary

The shit hit the fan. So, we think. Yesterday morning, the Communist Party of Vietnam announced that Sài Gòn will ban everyone from leaving their home beginning on August 23rd, in two days, and that the military will be responsible for providing food and essential items city-wide. However, it mentioned the exact details are still […]


My cousin and her family planned a trip to South Florida several months ago when it seemed the COVID-19 outbreak was finally under control. She wanted to visit her parents for the first time in over two years. But as COVID-19 cases began rising again, my cousin questioned whether taking the trip was worth the […]