Posts about COVID-19

From May

Life has sucked in Sài Gòn since May. Yet another outbreak of COVID-19 was first reported in late-April, April 27th — I think, in Vietnam and has not begun to abate. It’s already mid-July. The Communist Party of Vietnam immediately started to shut down businesses starting with those in Hà Nội. In Sài Gòn: All […]

Second Theft

Some Vietnamese guy just stole your mother’s iPhone. We were enjoying our time together outside in a relatively safe, open public area that wasn’t busy because of the Communist Part of Vietnam. More specifically, the typical, scared shitless regulations it has imposed on its residents in an effort to control the latest COVID-19 outbreak because […]

NBA’s Exhibition

The return of this NBA season is a joke. I had thought nobody of media prominence shared my opinion until yesterday. One of my least liked sports commentators, Stephen A. Smith, said Kevin Durant would be making a mistake if he were to comeback when game play resumes because this season will always be marked […]

COVID-19 Update

My father warned me about COVID-19, the latest type of coronavirus, just after Christmas. Being that I live in Southeast Asia, I was already aware of some of the issues it was causing in China. I was probably one of the few people following it closely outside of health science experts since December, but I […]